Call For Papers Journal of Enterprising Communities “Entrepreneurship in |
Editors for the Special Issue: Prof Howard Frederick, Unitec New Zealand (Auckland) Dr Dennis Foley, Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne) Due date for submission is October 15, 2007. Around the world there is a growing awareness that policies directed to re-igniting and / or developing new Indigenous entrepreneurial activity has the potential to dramatically improve economic and social well-being. Best-practice lessons show that Indigenous people can improve their standards of living through enterprise. As former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan once said, “Entrepreneurs have the power to create the greatest change for their own countries”. In this special issue we focus on enterprise, broadly defined, in Indigenous communities. This often means business enterprises but it can also mean enterprises with much broader goals, many of them social / cultural / environmental rather than economic, and they exhibit diverse forms of ownership, organization and operation. We seek research articles, well-developed case studies and book reviews that deal with successes and failures, explore theoretical perspectives, distil key practices, detect common pitfalls, and identify policy issues and options. The topic area should focus on communities, but the content is open. We welcome articles that deal with Financing of Indigenous Enterprise; Marketing Indigenous Products and Service; Gaming, Media and Design; Indigenous Women; Education & Training; Commercial & Professional Infrastructure; Role of Culture; Role of Government Agencies; Case Studies from around the world. Research articles should not exceed 25 pages. Cases and book reviews may be as short as five pages. Contributions should be prepared in accordance with the Journal’s submission guidelines located at Please send an electronic copy of your contribution before October 15, 2007 to: Professor Howard Frederick, Unitec New Zealand, Auckland, [email protected] and Dr Dennis Foley, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne [email protected] However, authors are welcome to submit their manuscripts earlier. The review process will begin immediately upon receipt of the manuscript. Inquiries are welcome. |