The R&D Management Conference 2008; June 18–20, 2008 — Ottawa, Canada
Call for Papers
Emerging and New Approaches to R&D Management
R&D management practices in the private and public sector have been evolving rapidly. Various management techniques, models and approaches are being used to deal with the many changes and related challenges in the business and technological environment. These include: increasing global competition; engagement of emerging economies; emerging technologies; rapidly evolving and converging technologies; increasing public accountability and governance expectations.
The R&D Management Conference 2008 invites papers that look at emerging and new approaches to R&D management, that might better equip organizations to deal with today’s environment and allow better decisions with more successful outcomes and easier implementation. Potential sub-themes include:
• Maximizing the impact and value of R&D via partnerships and collaboration
• Offshoring R&D – in China, India and other emerging economies
• Setting R&D direction and investments in the face of uncertainty
• Competitive intelligence for emerging and disruptive technologies
• Venture capital and other approaches from idea to commercialization
• Balancing creativity and freedom with business/public accountability and governance
• Stimulating interdisciplinary research and nurturing an innovation culture
• Enabling technologies for more effective R&D management (visualisation, communication etc)
Papers and presentations are encouraged that link state-of-the-art thinking and research with a practical perspective, including co-authored works with scientists and technologists or managers in private and public sectors.
Papers will be selected from the conference and be invited for consideration in special issues of R&D Management and Technovation.
Please note the following schedule:
Submission of abstract or workshop topic |
Before January 25, 2008 |
Acceptance of abstracts |
February 15, 2008 |
Full papers for accepted abstracts |
April 18, 2008 |
Close of registration |
May 23, 2008 |
The R&D Management Conference Ottawa 2008 |
June 18-20, 2008 |
• Authors are invited to submit abstracts of proposed papers for presentation
• Abstracts should be between 500-1500 words and clearly indicate the focus and potential impact of the proposed paper. They may report on empirical research or they may present business or educational practices.
• Papers will be assembled into proceedings with an ISBN reference. Selected papers will also be considered for publication in special issues of R&D Management and Technovation; these papers will be refereed in the usual way.
• The conference will be held at the University of Ottawa in downtown Ottawa.
• Hotel details will be made available via:
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