"Management of Meaning in Organizations"
(international conference organized by International Association of Cross-Cultural
Competence & Management, in partnership with Rotterdam School of Management RSM/EUR and Poznan University College of Business and Foreign Languages PWSBiJO)
Poznan, June 25-26, 2008
3 x IN = Inventing + Innovating + Interpreting
Poznan, June 27, 2008
Accompanied by
“Malta 2008”, the annual Poznan International Theatre Festival (June 23-28, 2008)
The Management of Meaning in Organizations
Contemporary flows of immigrants, tourists and professional expats contribute to the emergence of multiculturally patterned interaction chains and to the emergence of a multilayered and negotiable concept of culture as a resource and playground rather than a ready-made software to be installed in individual minds during partially enforced socialization. Some of these patterned interactions will evolve into rituals and institutions, but not all of them, and most will require a continuous investment in maintenance and reengineering of relations and interaction processes.
Most of the professionals expedited by their companies and agencies to far away places are forced to dive into a cultural shock and re-adjustment. They develop their own cultural competence. In order to understand what they are doing and how they cope, we have to start with the study of re-tooling of cultures and subcultures (including the so called national ones managed by state bureaucracies, including ours) and of the consequences of individualization and hybridization of the ongoing process of identity formation, reformation and counterreformation. Studying the revolutionary consequences of reshaping of national cultures under the pressure of accelerated globalization and increase of unmanageable inequalities are at the core of our scientific programme.
3 x IN (Inventing – Innovating – Intrepreting)
Breeding, facilitating and sustaining entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial initiatives requires approaching management as if it was a gerund rather than a noun. Innovating means seeing realities as flows and processes, streams and currents rather than bricks or blocks of organizational structures neatly displayed in solid organi-grams. Non-hierarchic, network-oriented and self-managed-teams-based matrixes of future forms of organizing call for research attention of academic and non-academic communities of practice. Dealing with manageable inequalities, minding and mining diversities or breaking with bureaucratic routines without getting rid of traceable responsibilities – those are the new skills and insights which call for inventions, innovations and continuous self-reflexive interpretations (and re-interpretations, and re-re-interpretations and more). 3 x IN focuses on breeding cross-cultural competence and on eVolving. Competent scanning of organizational windows of opportunities and practical adjustment of managerial narratives and academic discourses to changing realities of postglobalized, de-communized and post-Chindianized interactions are among challenges ahead. Let us start tackling them
A group opf researchers spanning cross-cultural studies, critical management studies and sciences of organization invite you to discuss theoretical landscape of comparatiove studies in cultures and organizations. Selected papers submitted to both conferences will appear in European Journal of International Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence & Management and International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. The mission of IACCM members is to promote scholarly work of young scholars in Europe.
For further information contact Peter Odrakiewicz [email protected]
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