The WBT Showcase March 24-25, 2009, is an elite international event that showcases prescreened, cutting-edge, first-to-market companies and technologies emanating from the private sector, top universities, federal labs, agencies and research institutions, to an audience of the world's leading seed investors, venture capitalists and Fortune 1000 licensing experts.
Applicants are screened by a national panel of seed investors, venture capitalists and corporate licensing executives. Up to one hundred (100) presenters are chosen to make a 6-minute presentation. In the weeks leading up to the Showcase presenters are provided guidance on their 6-minute presentations and groomed by individually assembled mentor teams comprised of seasoned experts. All presenters are also eligible to compete for selection as a "World's Best Technology" where investors and licensing scouts ultimately select the top 3 most promising technologies, designating one technology to receive the "Best of Show" award. Presenting technologies represent a convergence of industry sectors including Lifescience, Advanced Materials, Energy, Software, Semiconductor and Agriculture, to name a few.
Technologies are judged on the following basic criteria:
Is it a Platform Technology that could spawn many products?
Is it First in the Space, having the potential to give rise to a whole new industry?
Is it Close to Market, having few barriers remaining to commercial application?
[N.B. The deadine for submissions for 2009 has passed but it's good to keep in mind for 2010]