Recession-proofing your business, NGO, not-for-profit for difficult economic times.
Learn how to not just survive, but thrive in a recession.
The Opportunity Clinic© workshop by Walter Derzko is based on the book-Hard Times Golden Opportunities 45 Great Business Scenarios to Show You How to Profit from Opportunities that Arise in Challenging Times. The workshop profiles the forty-five Opportunity Windows specific to the recession that are presented in detail in the book. These generic Opportunity Windows, which can be used and applied by any business, not-for-profit, NGO or government are the product of the Opportunity Clinic© which enables entrepreneurs and managers to 1) navigate the uncertainties in economic downturns; 2) use the Clinic’s framework to scan for, design and evaluate emerging new opportunity spaces; and 3) thrive and not just survive in a recession.
The January19th 2009 issue of Business Week states:
“History has shown that crisis breeds opportunity… in times of turmoil, opportunities abound. But taking advantage of them will require [a new mindset], fast reflexes, an aggressive attitude, and serious changes [challenges] to the status quo … bold moves in bad times can pay off big.”
Difficult economic times present challenges, risks and threats for most business owners, and especially science and technology-based enterprises that might have disruptive or unproven technology. Decisions that made sense as little as six months ago may turn disastrous in this climate. Chaos, change and uncertainty may lead to turmoil, but at the same time they present opportunity windows or scenarios for entrepreneurs who are opportunity-sensitive and opportunity-savvy to act on the change.
Date: Friday June 19, 2009; 8:30am to 3:30pm
Location: Ontario College of Art and Design, (OCAD), 100 McCaul St, Toronto
Cost: $149 plus GST
Online registration: <>
Printable form: <>
For information: call 416-819-9667
Bio....Walter Derzko, is the founder of The Opportunity Clinic and president of Smart Economy in Toronto. He was Lateral-Thinker-in-Residence, McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, 1990-1994 and the former director of the Idea Lab, Design Exchange, Toronto
Since 2005, he has been blogging on smart technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship, and has lectured and taught at Conestoga College and the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies and, in 2009, at George Brown College and the Master’s Program in Strategic Foresight & Innovation at OCAD. He is a consultant to private-sector companies, technology startups and government agencies and is often called upon for keynote addresses in areas of technology foresight, innovation, research, and future trends