Dear Colleagues in Healthcare Management listserv,
We have two PDWs for the upcoming 2008 AoM conference in Anaheim of particular healthcare management concerns. Scholars and practitioners will learn to make sound judgments in the face of risk and weak signals in the healthcare industry. Scholars and physicians will foreground the issue of medical error as a systems problem. Please forward the information to interested colleagues and students.
Best, Karlene Roberts and Kuo Yu
"Confronting Risk: Examining Its Acceptability, Short Sightedness, Blind Sightedness, and Prevention." (#291) This session will be held on Sunday, August 10, from 8:00AM - 12:00PM at the Hilton Anaheim in Pacific Pavilion C.
Errors and mishaps, whether human, system, or natural in origin, generate risk and uncertainty which organizations confront, manage, and accept. The Institute of Medicine’s 2000 and 2004 reports on medical errors, for example, set forth generative dialogues about risk awareness and risk acceptability.
The participants of this PDW examine the error rates, error origins, and risk acceptability of various industry contexts. Furthermore, we examine how confronting risk forces organizations to self-reflectively shift questioning from performance and efficiency to reliability and prevention. In particular, we examine the short sightedness and blind sightedness of risk management in the hope that we can rethink risk acceptability and prevention differently. The PDW participants would help organizations teach the general principles and abstractions behind the highly reliable practices developed to manage risk. Following the format of the above-mentioned PDW, audience members will have the opportunity to interact with panelist experts in break-out groups.
Organizers and Chairs include Kuo Frank Yu, Karlene H. Roberts and William H. Starbuck. Participants include John S. Carroll, Timothy J. Vogus, Claus Rerup, James Douglas Orton, Rangaraj Ramanujam, Daved Van Stralen, Gary Provansal, Dwayne Thomas, Frank J. Barrett, Sotirios Paroutis, Klaus Weber, Greg Bigley, Phil Hanlon, Pete Sarna, Philipe Baumard, Estella Hernandez Gillette, Febra Johnson, Anne Washington, Debra Andersen, and Jim Holbrook.
"Weak Signals? But I Thought They Were Noise!": Highly Reliable Practices in Action." (#181) This session will be held on Saturday, August 9, from 1:00PM - 4:00PM at the Anaheim Convention Center in 204B.
This PDW shifts focus from major trends to detecting weak signals. Many new questions surface as a result of this change in obsession. Why might today's institutional environments, technical advances, rapid information exchanges, and inter-organizational interdependence make detecting weak signals crucial? How might we unlearn the old mindsets that focus on large trends and explore new practices that detect minutiae? How do we amplify weak signals so that they can be noticed more easily? How do we organize ourselves, so relevant details noticed by front-runners are not prevented from reaching the top echelon? How do we contextualize and interpret weak signals in a timely manner, so they can assist organizational responses? How do we design policies, rules, and procedures in such a way that fosters a friendly institutional environment for weak signal detection? Through highly interactive break-out groups with our panel of experts, we will dialogue on these questions with audience members.
Organizers and Chairs include Kuo Frank Yu, Karlene H. Roberts and Gregory A. Bigley. Participants include Claus Rerup, John S. Carroll, Timothy J. Vogus, James Douglas Orton, Daved Van Stralen, Dwayne Thomas, Pete Sarna, Gary Provansal, Charles Watson, Febra Johnson, Debra Andersen, Dave Thomas, Mary Sally Matiella, and Philipe Baumard.
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