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« Not all smart technologies are created equal | Main | Smart Flexible Cement »

September 15, 2005


Walter Derzko

Re Jack Smith's comments about sensible applications:

In a study published in April 2005, by the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics, a panel of international experts were asked to rank the 10 nanotechnology applications in development worldwide with the greatest potential to aid the poor. With a high degree of unanimity, the 63 panelists selected energy production, conversion and storage, along with creation of alternative fuels, as the area where nanotechnology applications are most likely to benefit developing countries.

The top 10 nanotechnology applications mentioned were:

1. Energy storage, production and conversion;
2. Agricultural productivity enhancement;
3. Water treatment and remediation;
4. Disease diagnosis and screening;
5. Drug delivery systems;
6. Food processing and storage;
7. Air pollution and remediation;
8. Construction;
9. Health monitoring;
10. Vector and pest detection and control.

Walter Derzko

jack smith

Walter- good job on identifying new and emerging technologies - what i also think could be very useful would be a way of organizing smart technologies into systems of sensible application-that address major challenge areas for humans in this periosd of early turbulence for the 21st century e.g. sustainable low energy shelter; culturally vibrant and safe cities; clean and renewable water systems; cost-effective and technically efficient and enabled public health - in other woirds create a framework from which individual technologies can be seen as systemic contributors for useful innovations.

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