First there were the untouchables , now we have the incredibles - super-enhanced humans
The current issue of New Scientist features the story:
The new incredibles: Enhanced humans. New Scientist (subscription required) May 13, 2006
"People with enhanced senses, superhuman bodies and sharpened minds are already walking among us. Are you ready for your upgrade? They're here and walking among us: people with technologically enhanced senses, superhuman bodies and artificially sharpened minds. The first humans to reach a happy, healthy 150th birthday may already have been born...."
Over the next few days, for those blog readers who don't have a subscription to New Scientist, I'll highlight some key points along the following topic areas:
- *Life transformed
- *Life extended
- *Technological and Scientific Convergence
- *Pros and Cons of Human Enhancement
- *Approaching Immortality
- *Designer Children
- *Smarter Minds
..........stay tuned
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