7 to 9 November 2007
San Francisco, United States
The International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2007) provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on computers and their applications. A BEST PAPER AWARD will be presented. The CAINE-2007 conference will feature contributed as well as invited papers focusing on both theory and practical applications. Papers will be accepted into chaired presentation sessions. The topics will include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Agent-Based Systems
- Autonomous Systems
- Bioinformatics
- Biomedical Systems/Engineering
- Communications
- Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing
- Computer Architecture/VLSI
- Computer Graphics and Animation
- Computer Modeling/Simulation
- Computer Security/Forensics
- Computers in Education
- Computers in Medicine
- Computer Networks
- Control Systems
- Data Mining
- Distributed Systems
- Embedded Systems
- Emergent Intelligence
- Energy Systems
- Image Processing
- Information Assurance
- Information Systems/Databases
- Internet and Web-Based Systems
- Knowledge-based Systems
- Mobile Computing
- Multimedia Applications
- Nanotechnology
- Network Processors
- Neural Networks/Fuzzy Logic
- Pattern Recognition/Computer Vision
- Robotics
- Scientific Computing
- Signal Processing
- Software Engineering/CASE
- Virtual Reality
- Wireless Communication/Technology