Yesterday, we started to explore how to create your own Opportunity Space in 2008 by doing strategic thinking in three easy we continue on the topic of designing your Opportunity Space by adopting a formal method.
Last November, I spoke as a key note speaker at InnoWest 2007
The design of the Innovation Conference was an open space concept- the format which I’m always critical of (because it’s open to manipulation) but, more then often, I'm surprised by the results.
The issue I suggested- swapping opportunity scenarios via the Opportunity Clinic appeared to ring loud and clear with the rest of the innovation crowd and it was voted as one of the most popular topics on the wall, being carried over into the afternoon breakout sessions.
Here are the morning and afternoon results
Issues/Questions: #1;Co-opportunity scenarios; How do we get totally unrelated industries to share ideas and opportunity scenarios in a safe, trusting atmosphere?
Guy Leveque, Bill Brooks, Mostafa Mohamed, Cami Ryan, Walter Derzko, Dean Dyck
A. Two examples of what we are doing right on this issue
a. some interaction amongst industries through networking events and organizations to facilitate collaboration or hybrid opportunities (rarely a formal process)
b. examples of models under development to facilitate these types of opportunities.
i. Bill Brooks –collaboration models/ideas
ii. Walter Derzko – database of opportunity scenarios-The Opportunity Clinic
Two examples of how we could still improve on this issue
a. foster an environment of openness/trust for stakeholder where they can share
b. find ways to bring actors to the table- wherein they *perceive value...
Key message…
Reciprocity is key... in order to get an idea you must give an idea!- Walter Derzko
In the afternoon, we got the following results from the participants in the group
Issues/Questions: #B- 1
How do we get unrelated industries sharing opportunities /windows, scenarios between each other?
Identified six sequential activities that need to take in order to move the topic B-1
Topics and their sub-activities are as follows:
• Creating a critical mass
• Finding alumni of 2nstage start-ups or clients
Drivers and Incentives:
• Creating Provincial/regional exchange networks
o Public policy – organizations that receive tax credit
• {3*} $ to develop sub – technologies to commercialize, If patents or techno not realized/commercialized they S/B laid open (S/B grand-father clause)
• {2*} Create Innovation currency (mock currency ex-points/that can be exchanged for ideas or information)
• Create a task force to move issue B-1 forward
• Use networking opportunities with service clubs (Lions) and other organizations which bring together divers individuals
• Create mediators
• {1*} Use industry associations as channels
• {1*} Share/explore existing tools
Matching Tools:
• Speed dating events between entrepreneurs, Powers and VCC (Venture Capital Corps)
• {7*} Speed dating for “I HAVE” – “I NEED” big scenarios
• {1*} Make a 15 sec commercial outlining issue and have another discipline add a 15 sec solution
• {1*} Opportunity cafes and online knowledge training
• communities of Practice
• {2*} Regional Meta– Networks
• {2*} Use digital technologies (internet video conference etc.)
• Promote fun social events in the name of networking
• Creating communities of practice. Tech transfer
• {3*} Offer monthly opportunity clinics and random monthly draw on which scenario gets picked
• Franchise open exchange in each Province
• {1*} Programs for existing companies to share opportunities
• Cross industry forums (must have specific topics/issues)
• Novel innovation Market Place (ie. D-base, matching between disparate industry associations (event)
• Position and opportunity for a mash –up of industries (what happens if you cross x with y)
• Pose a questions/issue or problem to an unrelated industry
• {4*} Data base of 250 opportunity windows-The Opportunity Clinic (Walter Derzko)
• Smart badges
• {1*} Share success stories
• daily opportunity calendar (like Hermin cartoons)
• Opportunityof the month
(Participants voted on the most critical actions that need to take place in relation to the issue each * represents a vote.)
© 2005-2008
Expert, Consultant and Keynote Speaker on Emerging Smart Technologies, Innovation, Strategic Foresight,, Business Development, Lateral Creative Thinking and author of an upcoming book on the Smart Economy "
To arrange for an in house presentation on smart technology see here
To explore the opportunities and threats of any new smart technology in your industry - Contact Me or explore how we can work together
.....Strategy without action is a day-dream; action without strategy is a nightmare"- old Japanese proverb
.......Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to. - H. Mumford Jones
"Without changing our patterns of thought, we will not be able to solve the problems we created with our current pattern of thought." A. Einstein
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