I was surprised by how many post I've penned over the last year, that signaled that we were at the top of the current business cycle and heading into the next recession or depression.
Here's a list/ summary of all 82 posts, as well as earlier predictions on the pending banking crisis and housing bubble.
Smart Economy- My 10 Hot predictions for 2009
Dealing with the US National Debt. How will business and consumers react to the crisis?
Wanted: calming voices of sanity amid the gloom and doom
Who will bailout Canadian & American small and medium-sized business in 2009 ?
Anatomy of a Financial Bubble or the Hype Cycle
How safe is your bank? How safe is your money in a depression?
Vacuum leaves pullout opportunities
US squandering its Economy of Trust, bottom fishers on the sidelines
How will baby boomers handle the recession? Zoomers, Doomers, Gloomers, Opportuneurs
Will a World War pull us out of a depression again?
Could Canada, the USA or the EU survive as a steady state, zero growth economy?
Recession, Depression and Shortages as Opportunities
Can Canada keep its head above water if the US economy continues to tank? Our BRIC future?
What a 2010's depression might look like (part 2) 20 more events to watch out for
What a 2010's depression might look like?
Will the consumer credit card debt bubble lead to a collapse of the shopping mall economy?
Next drop in equity markets will be due to panic in Credit Default Swaps (CDS) market
Roadmap to the financial crisis
US bailouts. A trillion here and a trillion there, in case someone is keeping score
Clueless and Irresponsible Americans-The Shopping Class?
The US recession, it's official ! Now start looking for the opportunities !!
The next debt crisis -commercial mortgage market set to collapse in North America in 2009-2010
This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crises
The next technology boom? delayed by a decade or two?
What could this depression look like? Look back 135 years
Not your normal recession in the West -an ongoing Bailout Economy?
Why is Ford & GM booming in Brazil & bankrupt in the USA?
Time to be blunt with the American people Mr Treasury Secretary, Henry M. Paulson!
Who & What do you think will be recession -proof?
Why this recession will be much longer then most people expect-20 more good sobering reasons.
North American Auto Industry Bailout? Should it go bankrupt? Yes?
Depression and the next crisis - Global Trade Collapse
The Recession and Elderly Crime (by and not against)
Soros says deep recession inevitable, depression possible
The no-strings-attached US bailouts
A triple dip, 2 decade long recession /depression? 15 sobering reasons
Obama , the election over-Hype and Energy Security-11 key challenges
Opportunity Recognition in Difficult Times
Global Peak Oil in 3-5 years by 2011-2013-energy famine on the way?
What will the next economy look like, after this one crumbles?
Early warning signs of civil unrest?
Are Ukraine and 20 other countries at risk of bankruptcy?
What in the world is going on ? Global Financial Crisis Part 13
What's wrong with the USA bailout package?
Why do some people survive disasters better then others?
Restructuring of American Business-A New Business Model? What In The World Is Going On? Part 2 of 4
The Emergence of China-What In The World Is Going On? Part 1 of 4
Why oil prices are likely to fall more Part 3 (summer update)
China Paradox, unexplained anomalies weak signals of change?
Using New Yorker Cartoons for Opportunity Recognition /Sense-making & Pattern Recognition
Dark conversations with Richard Florida and potential hope for the USA and Canada
Why oil prices will drop in 2009 Part 2 Supply Up & Demand Dropping
Recession - Proofing your Business - Spotting & Designing Opportunities in a Downturn
Now I know we are in a recession !!-the Starbucks recession
Why oil prices are set to fall-weak signals of change
Is the Oil Price Bubble ready to burst?
Turning Misery into Opportunity
Seizing Global Opportunities OCE Discovery 2008
Top 21 winners in the next Smart Economy?
Recession-Proofing your Business-Strategies and Tactics for smoother sailing in turbulent seas
Text Mining for S&T Scouting, Foresight and Opportunity Recognition
The Opportunity Clinic-swapping opportunity scenarios 08-002
Earlier Signals
US geophysicist predicted the current U.S. housing bubble - and when it would burst.
Wild Card? -Collapse of the US banking system in 2008?
© 2005-2008
Walter Derzko --"Changing the world, one idea at a time" ©
Expert, Consultant and Keynote Speaker on Emerging Smart Technologies, Innovation, Strategic Foresight, Business Development, Lateral Creative Thinking and author of an upcoming book on Smart Technologies in the Smart Economy "
The Smart Economy -- Read, enjoy, explore, speculate, comment !!
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.....Strategy without action is a day-dream; action without strategy is a nightmare"- old Japanese proverb
".....Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to." - H. Mumford Jones
"....Without changing our patterns of thought, we will not be able to solve the problems we created with our current pattern of thought." A. Einstein
"....Change is difficult, but complacency and stagnation are showstoppers..." --Walter Derzko
"...Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
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