Peter Victor, a York University School of Environmental Studies professor, recently launched his new book-Managing Without Growth -Slower by Design, not Disaster.
Victor looks at the premise: What would happen if Canada deliberately slowed its growth rate to zero between 2010 and 2035. Would there be enough jobs? Would poverty go up? Would greenhouse gas emissions fall? Would governments be able to finance their operations?
According to the Toronto Star:
"Victor used the most sophisticated econometric tools available. (The book is loaded with charts, graphs and equations.) He tested numerous scenarios and methods of applying the brakes.
Not surprisingly, he concluded that the question had no single answer. It depended on a variety of factors ranging from population growth to tax policy. But there were ways to achieve full employment, reduce poverty, cut greenhouse gas emissions and keep government finances in good shape without economic growth.
People would have to live differently - work less, buy less and pollute less. Values would have to change. The economy would have to fit within the biosphere.
Victor admits many readers will have trouble getting their heads around the idea of life without economic growth. It’s alien to everything they’ve been taught. “If I can at least get them to open their eyes to alternatives, I’ll think I’ve accomplished something.”
see Contemplating Life without Growth
Walter Derzko