All the leveraged debt bubbles (15 in total) that I’ve been discussing on this blog, were not started in 2001 after the last recession, as most people assume. It actually goes back to 1980 or 28 years to mount to these levels. Total US consumer debt in 1980 was a manageable $352 billion. Compare that with $2.6 trillion today. American consumers have increased their total debt level by 738% in 28 years. Revolving credit increased from $56 billion in 1980 to $982 billion today, an order of magnitude increase of 1,750% in 28 years.
In 1980, the US GDP was $2.8 trillion. Today it’s $14 trillion and but declining. Since, 1980, American GDP has grown by 500%, but the national debt has grown more than twice as fast as GDP.
(Source: stats from the James Quinn blog )
This is an unsustainable trend. America’s financial debt bubble and resulting economic disaster took 28 years to inflate and will not likely be fixed in a single year or two, unless the US defaults on its debts As I see it, there are only 4 real options for America's race to the bottom. Take all you bad medicine all at once, but risk overthrow of the current government in power (see options 1) and 2) below) or prolong the agony and pain of the depression for everyone, possibly for 2 decades like in Japan currently -since 1990. (see options 3) and 4) below)
Niall Ferguson makes a case for outright default in a Vanity Fair story - Niall Ferguson: America Needs to Cancel Its Debt
Prudent businesses need to make contingency plans for all 4 cases and ask the right "what -if" questions.
© 2005-2009 Walter Derzko -"Changing the world, one idea at a time"© Author of the soon-to-be-released book: Hard Times Golden Opportunities.. about opportunity recognition in a recession/ depression featuring 45 opportunity scenarios. Expert, Consultant and Keynote Speaker on Emerging Smart Technologies, Innovation, Strategic Foresight, Business Development, Lateral Creative Thinking and author of an upcoming book on the Smart Economy " The Smart Technology Blog: The Smart Economy -- Read, enjoy, explore, speculate, comment !! To arrange for an in house presentation or briefing on smart technology see here To explore the opportunities and threats of any new smart technology in your industry - Contact Me or explore how we can work together P. S. if this is your first visit to my blog, please go to our Welcome page