UPDATE: HYFNs have been approved for manufacturing as Fullerene Water Solution (FWS) drink in Ukraine by Ministry of Health as of Nov 2010. The first nanotech based health drink in the world. For information about availability contact me by email.
When Buckyballs or Fullerenes (Carbon 60, which is a form of carbon, just like coal, activated charcoal, soot, diamonds or the lead in your pencil,) were first discovered several decades ago, they were lauded as a “silver bullet” in medicine. The hype quickly subsided when most researchers realized that both natural and synthetic fullerenes were not very water soluble, hence they only saw weak medical effects. But a team of Ukrainian researchers persisted and a decade ago, they discovered a way to make fullerenes water soluble without making them more toxic. Now, after undergoing clinical trials, they are launching a fullerene-based water solution (FWS) drink shortly on the Ukrainian market as a natural food supplement, Fullerenes are found naturally in lightening discharges, in nano-quantities in molasses or in some natural spring. spa waters and in shungite rocks.
Governments around the world should fast-track the approval of hydrated fullerenes (C60 HyFNs) or Fullerene Water Solution (FWS) drinks, which are anti-microbial (both anti viral and anti bacterial) and can protect people from all colds and flu. WFS is about to be launched by Ukrainian scientists on the Ukrainian market as a natural food supplement
So why the Ukrainians and not another country-you might ask yourself? Well they all tried (UK, Americans, Germans, China, Japan, South Korea, etc) to make safe nontoxic watersoluble fullernes but failed except for Ukrainian researchers.
So here are the benefits of FWS over conventional approaches
1) FWS are not viral specific like vaccines -they don't need several months lead time to be manufactured for each new viral season. The turnaround for FWS is 2-3 days. FWS work on all viruses and bacteria year round, by suppressing the viral or bacterial spread from cell to cell. FWS don't kill microbes but block mobility from cell to cell, due to water clusters formed around the fullerene molecule. Your immune system then decides which microbes are invaders and which microbes are beneficial for the body.
2) People and especially teenagers who have died due to swine flu (due to cytokine cascades or secondary bacterial infections) could have been saved if FWS was on the market today.
3) High risk groups -like Canadian aboriginal Indians, could be saved from flu death by taking a combination of Vitamin D (to tune up the immune system in the winter) and FWS
4) With FWS you don't need annual immunization campaigns and 6 hour long lineups, like we have seen in Toronto this past week. Public health money could be used for other priorities.
5) With FWS, you don't need to distinguish between high and low risk groups like you do in rollouts for vaccines. If FWS were available from Walmart to corner health food stores as a health drink , you'd have equal access
6) FWS are cheaper to produce then antibiotics and vaccines
7) FWS are safer then vaccines and antibiotics (see http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/and type in "fullerene" under Hazardous Substance Data Bank). FWS don' t build up resistance in bacteria the way antibiotics do.
8)FWS would reduce the work load on hospital ICU's and protect front line staff
9) Feeding fullerne laced water to animals would eliminate the need for conventional antibiotics
10) Dipping plant seeds in fullerene water solutions increases growth, health and resilience of growing plants
For more information contact me from your corporate email
Walter Derzko
Other medical/biological effects of HyFN's see http://www.fullwater.com.ua/page6.html )
Water-soluble fullerenes (also known as buckyballs) or hydrated fullerenes (HyFN's) appear to possess an impressive list of in vivo and in vitro effects which have been researched by Ukrainian scientists and are summarized below: The following table was reproduced with the permission of the authors: Basic biological properties of aqueous solutions of the hydrated C60 fullerene (HyFn) detected to the present time (May 2005) In vitro experiments revealed that HyFn with C60 concentrations up to 100mM/l: 1. Are non-toxic for cells including hepatocytes; 2. Do not suppress, but promote the growth of isolated micro-organisms (microbes, fungi, etc.) and improve the survival rate and viability of cells (e.g., spermatozoa) and of frozen-thawed cells; 3. Do not inhibit cell respiration; 4. Do not suppress membrane-bonded ATP-ase activity; 5. Possess greater anti-oxidant properties then vitamin E, b-carotene and BHT (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-kresol); 6. Stabilize cellular membranes and enhance their resistance under adverse conditions; 7. Do not affect blood coagulation; 8. Increase by 5-10 degrees C the temperature of biomolecules denaturation (DNA, albumin, collagen and etc.); 9. Increase catalytic activity of isolated enzymes (e.g., serine proteases). In vivo experiments revealed that HyFn with C60 total doses up to 25mg/kg of b.w.: 1. Are non-toxic, not immunogenic, none allergenic; 2. Increase resistance of plasma membranes to damaging factors; 3. Positively influence anti-oxidant and energetic systems of organisms; 4. Possess radioprotective properties due to suppression of excess level of free radicals; 5. Possess antihistaminic and allergy-suppressing abilities, i.e., act as anti-inflammatory agents, 6. Positively influence activity of adrenergic, GABA-, hystaminic- and, especially, serotoninergic systems and, as a consequence, enhance adaptogenic functions of organisms; adaptive homeostasis 7. Show positive neuroprotecting effects (e.g., in Alzheimer's disease) and non-specific analgesic effects; 8. Do not kill tumor cells, inhibition of development of cancer pathologies, cancer metastasis, 9. Possess anti-atherosclerotic (anti-atherogenic) properties; 10. Are able to protect against viral infection (e.g., influenza, etc.): (HyFn do not kill viruses and microbes, but do not allow them to incorporate into cells)....(HYFNs plus Vitamin D supplements could make antibiotics and vaccines obsolete in the future) Source: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures, 13: 363-376, 2005;Is the C60 Fullerene Molecule Toxic?! Walter Derzko, Smart Economy, Toronto Author of the soon-to-be published book- Opportunity 45 Scenarios to Drive Your Business in Challenging Times, published by J. Wiley and Sons ISBN13: 978-0-470-73761-3 ISBN10: 0-470-73761-1 Contact us about the Opportunity Clinic workshop and to invite Walter Derzko as a keynote speaker at your next event