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« When will the Recession End? Part 159 World Bank weighs in: Food prices at "dangerous levels" | Main | TED launches TED Conversations- in-depth group conversations »

February 16, 2011



That is interesting, but the thing to remember is that we all lie. We just lie about different things. To say anyone is more dishonest is, I think, inaccurate. How many resumes have things that are left out? Is that being dishonest? How mangy individuals find ways to lower taxes? Is that being dishonest?

My point being that honesty, much like everything else in the real world is not black and white! Regardless of what the facile TV shows would have one believe.

Granted creative individuals may have a greater tendency to lie. Let's face it that does not mean evil. Massaging the truth, as it is called by some, is common. Like criminal activity, technically you're not a crook, unless you're caught! ;)

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