A member of the Russian Advisory Council in the State Duma Committee for Regional Policy, Natalia Zubarevich, admitted that four large reasons will lead to the inevitable and inexorable death of the Russian Federation, as a result of which this country will cease to exist as a single entity and will be divided into independent states:
"First, the quality of life is deteriorating in the Moscow metropolitan agglomeration due to growing infrastructure and environmental problems, while the population increases.
Second, economic development of large cities which are regional centers is sharply slowing because of lack of investments and deterioration of the institutional environment, which also leads to an even greater concentration of manpower in the federal city.
Third, marginalization of vast peripheral areas is increasing, and a depopulation takes place. Unemployment, social benefits, etc. And there is less and less money in the budget.
Fourth, growth of tensions, ethnic conflicts and cronyism in the North Caucasus republics stimulate migration outflow of educated and more "modernized" urban residents of the republics to other regions", complained Natalya Zubarevich.
Source: http://www.kavkazcenter.com/eng/content/2011/01/30/13423.shtml
This supports an old 2004 CIA prediction of Russian collapse:
Version 1
CIA predicts by 2015, the disintegration of Russia by six to eight states.
CIA predicts by 2015, the disintegration of Russia by six to eight states. This is reported on an open site in the CIA report, the leading think tanks, which contains a forecast of the world until 2015. Specialists regard Russia as a country that is in extreme geographical and geo-economic conditions. Another factor affecting us negatively, is that two-thirds of Russian territory lies in the permafrost zone, and the average cost of a barrel of oil is $ 14-15 versus $ 4 in Saudi Arabia
http://www.ural.ru/news/life/news-39253.html and http://www.ng.ru/regions/2011-01-24/6_we.html
see previous related posts
Similar conditions and circumstances existed just before the collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years ago.
2) Is Ukraine Hitching Its Economic Cart to Collapsing Horse? Russia?
3) When will the Recession End? Part 133 Why Russia doesn't fit into BRIC
4) When will the recession end ? Part 134 What could trigger a Global Double Dip Recession in 2011? Russia
5) When will the Recession End? Part 139 Russia admits it's dead and falling apart
6) When will the Recession End? Part 140 Who's next after Egypt? Russian editorial says Russia, Kazakhstan may be hit by "Tunisian syndrome"
Walter Derzko