Corruption cases rose by over 40 per cent in 2010- chief Russian investigator > Over 100 investigators were prosecuted last year for corruption-related crimes
There is an old truism about statistics that can be applied equally to politicians in Ukraine and Russia. Politicians are like bikinis: what they reveal is suggestive , but what they conceal is vital.
Investors have fallen in love with Russia again, but they ignore the dark side. Despite much hyped anti-corruption programs, they are designed for show for the west and are hollow inside.
People in Russia & Ukraine are encouraged to be bribe-takers by the "system" that stretches back to Soviet days. It’s a control mechanism. Corruption is tolerated by the state, until that person steps out of line and then the authorities have evidence in hand to charge you…the higher ups and inner circle of Medvedev, Putin and Yanukowych never get charged…just look at the evidence....(well unless you fall out of favour like Berezowsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky and other Russian oligarchs).
I see the fact that corruption cases rose by over 40 per cent in 2010 in Russia, not as a signal necessarily of corruption growth or success of prosecutions, but that more people are stepping out of line—BTW the numbers are likely grossly understated too--- Walter Derzko
Corruption cases rose by over 40 per cent in 2010- chief Russian investigator
Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0744 17 Feb 11/BBC Monitoring/(c) BBC
Text of report by corporate-owned Russian news agency Interfax
Moscow, 17 February: Over 100 investigators were prosecuted last year for corruption-related crimes, the head of the Russian Investigations Committee, Aleksandr Bastrykin, has said.
"Last year 120 investigators and heads of various investigative bodies and 12 prosecutor workers were prosecuted by us for committing corruption-related crimes," Bastrykin said at a committee board in Moscow on Thursday [17 February].
He said that 48 lawyers, eight members of electoral commissions, 214 deputies in local government bodies, 310 elected officials in local government bodies, 11 deputies of legislative bodies, one State Duma deputy and three judges were also prosecuted for these kind of crimes.
Bastrykin said that 10 heads of directorates and 26 of their deputies had been disciplined for poor investigative work. "Three were dismissed for breaking their professional oath," he said.
He added that on the whole 42 per cent more corruption-related crimes were recorded in 2010 than in 2009, and their number came to almost 60,000. "Around 12,000 cases of bribe-taking were uncovered," Bastrykin said.
"Last year we received over 40,000 reports of corruption, on which 13,500 criminal cases were launched, and in total over 18,000 such cases were in progress. Investigators closed over 8,000 cases, and practically all of them were sent to court. During the course of investigations almost 5,000 corruption-related crimes were additionally solved," Bastrykin said.
Credit: Interfax news agency, Moscow, in Russian 0744 17 Feb 11
.with a track record like that…you must be out of your mind to invest money in Russia
Walter Derzko