Boris Yakemenko, a lecturer at the People's Friendship University, waxed ecstatic about Qadhafi's violent attempts to hold on to power. On his blog, Yakemenko (aka Boris-yakemenko) praised Qadhafi writing:
"The Libyan leader "showed the whole world how to deal with provocateurs who want to overthrow the government, destabilize the country and start a civil war. He began to destroy them, using missiles and everything at his disposal. This is the best way to stop American revolutionary methods from being used."
Yakemenko is not one of those loony Russian professors who grabs the headlines with predictions that Texas will secede or that the dollar is on the verge of collapse. Yakemenko is a member of the Public Chamber and sits on two of its commissions, one devoted to the preservation and development of culture and the other on science and innovations. More important, Yakemenko is the head of the Orthodox corps of the pro-Kremlin movement Nashi. And last but not least, he is the brother of Vasiliy Yakemenko, the infamous founder of Nashi and a Kremlin insider.
So Yakemenko's words were interpreted in the blogosphere as an indication of the Kremlin's Plan B if the Middle East protests were played out in Russia.
"Now we know exactly how the authorities will react if the people finally get fed up with the way those authorities treat them," wrote the blogger Mix-hawk.
Opposition leader Garry Kasparov wrote:
"The reaction of Russian authorities and their pocket analysts and journalists [to events in Libya] was predictable, since for them the world is reflected in a conspiracy mirror. Once again, they saw a scripted event that would be repeated in Russia. Apparently, the political situation in Egypt and Libya reminds them too much of Russia."
There are, indeed, clear parallels between the pre-revolutionary situation in Libya and the situation in Russia. Vladimir Volkov, an analyst at, wrote:
"If you look at why the local population [in Libya] went out on their city streets, the analogy with Russia might seem frightening."
Everyone sees the similarities: stagnant poverty for a significant segment of the population, despite the country's considerable natural resources; a huge income gap; no social mobility for young people; and an epidemic of corruption against the backdrop of growing moral fatigue over the leaders and family clans who are entrenched in power and do not wish or do not know how to carry out necessary social and economic reforms. Truly not seeing all these parallels in Russia is like noticing a speck of dust in someone else's eye, while not noticing the plank in your own eye. Today we see on the streets of Arab cities what this myopia leads to."
Coincidentally, as Libya reaches the boiling point, the Public Opinion Foundation released the results of its latest opinion poll. They showed a sea change in the country's mood. Forty-nine per cent said they were ready to personally take part in mass protests. Just a month ago that figure stood at 39 per cent, and in the summer it was only 24 per cent.
Does this mean that Russia is heading for a remake of the Middle East scenario? Maybe not, but then a revolution is much like a stock market crash: Few see it coming.
Victor Davidoff is a Moscow-based writer and journalist whose blog is
Credit: Moscow Times website, Moscow, in English 28 Feb 11