Ukraine used to be known as the bread basket of Europe in the 19th and 20th century. It could regain and improve that title-the bread & food basket to the world if Ukrainian farmers start micro-watering their crops with Fullerene Water Solutions.
Lab and field trials have shown that fullerene laced water solutions at nano-quanities of ten to the minus nine concentrations of hydrated or water soluble fullerenes can stimulate wheat seed germination and plant growth by upto 60%. (see side by side results in petri dish below)
HHmm, I think I'll try it out on my tomatoes when I plant them next week
Other extensive health benefits of HyFNs are summarised below:
Conducting large-scale research, by the end of 2005 we had already known the following main biological properties of hydrated C60 fullerene (C60HyFn).
For example, experiments in vitro revealed that C60HyFn, in C60 concentrations up to 100 µM:
- are not cytotoxic, including non-hepatotoxicity;
- do not suppress, but promote the growth of isolated cell cultures (microbes, fungi, etc.); promote survival rate and enhance viability of spermatozoa in the process of “cryopreservation – thawing”;
- stimulation seed germination and plant growth;
- do not inhibit cell respiration;
- do not inhibit catalytic activity of membrane-bound ATPases;
- have antioxidant properties more significant than ionol (BHT), vitamin E and ß-carotene;
- stabilize cell membranes and enhance their stability in unfavourable conditions;
- do not affect blood coagulation systems;
- enhance the temperature of biomolecules denaturation (DNA, albumin, collagen, etc.) by 5-10 degrees C.
- increase catalytic activity of isolated enzymes (e.g., serine proteinases).
Simultaneously with research on molecular and cell level, experiments in vivo (with laboratory animals) revealed that C60HyFn in wide scale of C60 total dose (from super small and up to 25 mg/kg of body weight):
- are non-toxic, non-immunogenic, non-allergenic;
- enhance the resistance of plasma membranes to disturbing factors;
- have positive influence on antioxidant and energetic systems;
- have radioprotective properties due to inhibition of the excessive level of free radicals;
- have strong and long-lasting antihistaminic and antiallergic action, i.e. can act as anti-inflammatory agents;
- have positive influence on the activity of adreno-, GABA-, histamine- and especially, serotonergic systems, and as a result, enhance adaptogenic functions of the organism;
- have potent hepatoprotective activity;
- have expressed neuroprotective (including Alzheimer's disease) and non-specific analgetic action;
- inhibit the development of tumour pathologies without killing cancer cells;
- have antiatherosclerotic (antiatherogenic) properties;
- able to protect organisms against viral infections (e.g., influenza virus) (HyFn do not kill viruses, but prevent their effective penetration into the cell);
- improve and enhance reproductive (genital) functions.
Nowadays on the basis of complex analysis of numerous experimental facts, official bio-medical trials, own observations we arrive to a conclusion tat water solutions of hydrated fullerene C60 have broad and universal spectrum of positive biological activity and, in particular, they:
- are “wise” and long-acting antioxidants that in the organism not only normalize the processes of lipid peroxidation and lipid composition of cell membranes, but also protect and activate its own systems of antioxidant protection;
- enhance resistance of cell membranes to the action of unfavourable factors and restore disturbed energy supply inside the cells;
- promote the processes of cell differentiation and tissue regeneration;
- inhibit cell apoptosis, i.e. so called programmed cell death;
- are non-immunogenic, but have positive immunomodulating properties and protect the immune system against disturbing factors;
- have adaptogenic and antistress properties, which is related to positive influence on the functions of the central nervous system, and also are able to protect nervous tissue against disturbing action of free radicals;
- have long-term antihistaminic and anti-inflammatory action;
- protect cardio-vascular system from the development of pathologies connected with atherosclerosis, and also effectively inhibit the causes of the development of atherosclerosis itself;
- have expressed neuroprotective properties, including protection of brain tissues against disturbances caused by the action of free radicals and other chemical agents and thus can be used in the therapy of different neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.);
- are highly effective hepatoprotectors in therapy and prevention of liver pathologies of different etiology, including liver cirrhosis;
- effective in ulcer diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
- effective in the diseases of gallbladder and urinary bladder, pancreas, including different forms of diabetes;
- have expressed anti-burn, regenerative, antiulcer and wound healing properties (especially in combination with mild antibacterial preparations);
- shorten the period of the recovery of the organism after surgeries;
- protect by natural manner from viral infections, acute respiratory diseases, and is rather effective for ENT-diseases;
- in case of preventive intake, decrease the probability of development of oncological pathologies, and in case if it has already developed, depending on the stage, help the organism inhibit, restrain and control its spreading. In addition to independent use, they are potent additional agents in combined, rational therapy of oncological states;
- significantly prolong the terms of remission in patients after surgical removal of tumor neoplasm and decrease the risk of backset of active tumor process;
- promote decrease of side effects caused by the use of active antitumor chemotherapy (improve its tolerance);
- have non-specific analgetic action, and, in pain syndrome patients, improve quality of life;
- are radioprotectors and their administration is quite grounded for elimination of side effects caused by radiation therapy;
- have expressed positive influence on human reproductive functions and can be used for treatment of different functional forms of sterility;
- improve by natural manner the sexual potency;
- alleviate alcohol withdrawal syndrome in alcohol excesses;
- effective for chronic fatigue syndrome;
- on the whole, have general positive action as for supporting of normal functioning of the organism and inhibition of development of negative manifestations connected with age-related alterations (aging, climacteric, etc.).
Undoubtedly, this list of positive biological activity will grow, basing on already known facts one can assume that in general the action of hydrated fullerene C60 and its water solutions directed to restoration of disturbed functions both on the level of cells, organs and systems, and normalization of numerous biochemical indexes of the whole macroorganism. All of these are realized owing to improvement of adaptive, immune, metabolic and reparative processes.
All the above health claims are supported by research and clinical studies the following academic publications
Fullerenes and Water
Medical and biological properties of Hydrated Fullerenes HyFN’s (all supported by research papers below)
History of research collaboration:
Current and future Research Directions (very extensive and very interesting):
Published research papers:
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