Just as we hear news that the entire genome of James Watson- the scientist who discovered the DNA helix structure, is the first to be sequenced for less than $1M and taking 2 month's time, a more sinister story appears half way across the globe. (BTW, the Human Genome project cost $3 Billion and took 7 years. The price tag several months ago was $500,000, today it's $100,000; the mid term target under $10,000 and long term for $1,000; & you can now get 1% of your genome deemed most medically useful sequenced for only $1,000)
The newspaper Kommersant, writes:
"Last week the Russian Federal Customs Service (FTS) shut down the export from the country of all human medical biological materials, from hair to blood samples.
According to information obtained by the Russian newspaper Kommersant, the decision by the FTS was prompted by a report submitted to Vladimir Putin by the FSB that focuses on bioterrorism and the alleged development by the West of "genetically engineered biological weapons" .....targeted specifically at Russians.
Well, even the prestigious Science magazine from the UK, New Scientist gave it coverage when the story broke.
But with so little concrete information and only accusations, it's hard to tell at this point if this a hoax, Russian propaganda reminiscent of the cold war or a knee-jerk reaction to a real concern?
.....One thing I can speculate is that this is not an asymetric situation- if the west is doing it, then so are the Russians...the west may just be further ahead, hence the panic warning by the FSB--WD
"Federal Customs Service head Andrei Belyaninov also confirmed the existence of the ban yesterday, but declined to provide any further details, saying only that the ban on the export of biological materials is a consequence of a "special regime" introduced by the FTS "on the initiative of the Ministry of Health. He conjectured that the grounds for the decision may be "scandals involving the transplantation of human organs."
However, the English language Kommersant later writes:
FSB officials explained that this is... "part of the agency's struggle against "bioterrorism," a struggle that President Vladimir Putin approved in 2004 against what has so far been a phantom enemy."
"An [unnamed] source in medical circles who is acquainted with the situation told Kommersant that the ban follows the presentation of a report by FSB head Nikolai Patrushev to President Putin in early May of this year.
"According to the source, the report thus characterizes the situation in the market for clinical trials:
Sounding like a Hollywood SciFi thriller movie...[wd] ..."several large Western medical centers that receive shipments of biological materials from Russia are said to be involved in the development of "genetically engineered biological weapons" for use against the Russian population. The list of organizations purportedly working on the project includes the Harvard School of Public Health, the American International Health Alliance, the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the US Department of Justice, the Swedish Karolinska Institute and Agency for International Development, and the Indian Genome Institute. Kommersant's source reported that the report contains a wealth of fantastical details about the development of "ethnically oriented" biological weapons capable of rendering Russia's population sterile and even killing it off."
"IMHO, looking at straight forward Russian demographics, drug use, suicides, uncontrolled pollution, drinking water problems and alcoholism, Russian society is doing a credible enough job of creating its own sterile population and killing itself off, without any outside intervention. The Russian population fell by nearly 800,000 people last year
Sounds like the Russians are setting the stage to blame the west for all its social ills instead of itself for its lack of anything resembling a effective nation-wide social program.--wd
More immediately, this move could threaten the lives of tens of thousands of patients in the country where labwork is all outsourced to the west and completely paralyze clinical research trials being conducted by Western pharmaceutical companies in Russia, a business that is estimated to be worth $100-150 million annually. Other countries are likley to jump in to pick up the "left behind" clinical trial business such as neighbouring Ukraine, the Eastern European block countries and possibly India and China.
"[unnamed] Sources indicate that the ban on the export of biological materials was a direct result of a government memo signed by First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov that was circulated on May 22, 2007 to Health Minister Mikhail Zurabov, FSB chief Nikolai Patrushev, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, and Justice Minister Vladimir Ustinov. However, it has so far been impossible to determine whether that memo was linked to Mr. Patrushev's report about bioterrorism."
In a related story the BBC reports on a newscast aired by NTV Mir, Moscow, in Russian 1500 30 May 07
[Aleksey Yablokov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science] said " when molecular biology was developing and the human genome was being decoded, the military did indeed spend vast amounts of money to produce these ethnic weapons, and they were produced. We know it. For instance, special molecular genetic matrices were made to destroy only the blacks and spare the whites."
...N.B In the time-honored Russian tradition of vagueness, there was no mention in the above story which country's military did this research. Was it the Russians ? the USA? or someone else? The finger-pointing seems to be at the USA.
This notion of ethnic genetic variability is supported by clinical trial data, released this weekend in a press release titled..Gene variations point to why lung cancer drugs work better in Japanese vs. US patients.
"Last year, a groundbreaking international project found that a group of Japanese patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer survived longer —and had a higher rate of side effects — than U.S. patients with the same diagnosis,.when both groups were given two well-known drugs for the disease.
Now, a follow-up study suggests the reasons appear to lie in subtle variations in certain genes that govern how the body metabolizes chemotherapy drugs. The discovery that Japanese and U.S. patients, matched in age, gender and other respects, had differences in key metabolism-related genes is the latest result from a seven-year collaboration between the Southwest Oncology Group and two clinical trials groups in Japan. The recent study breaks new ground by exploring the possible role of ethnic patterns in the emerging science of pharmacogenomics, which promises to tailor drug regimens to a patient’s genetic profile."
“Nobody else in the world has ever done this, with a common arm looking at genetic differences among ethnic groups,” say researchers.
...this just shows again that technology is a double edge sword.
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Walter Derzko -"Changing the world, one idea at a time"©
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